rom fingers to toes, the color of your skin can shift dramatically during freezing weather. Like many, you might have been alarmed the first time you noticed it. But over time, people often accept it as normal.
The truth is, this color change – from your usual tone to pale white or dark red – could be due to a condition known as Raynaud’s disease.
What is Raynaud’s disease?
Raynaud’s disease, or Raynaud’s phenomenon, affects how your body reacts to cold temperatures. It’s not just about feeling cold – the changes in color and temperature can be much more intense.
Dr. Melisa Lai Becker explained to Good Morning America:
“For most people, chilly weather might make their fingers cold, but with Raynaud’s, the hands can turn ice-cold and visibly change color.”
The condition happens when blood flow to your fingers and toes is reduced. According to the NHS, it’s fairly common and usually doesn’t cause major issues, but it can still be uncomfortable.